The Sensory Spectrum

For SPD Kiddos and Their Parents

Holiday Sensory Spotlight: Sensory Gifts Your Kid Will Love

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You asked, and I’m delivering. No, I’m not personally delivering presents. But I have compiled an extensive list of sensory products your kids will love as gifts… and many of them were recommended by all of you!

PicMonkey Collage

I’ve broken them down into categories for you but I’m only highlighting a couple options from each category. Click on the photo to follow the link. Want to see them all? I’ve put them into an Amazon Sensory Store so it’s easy for you to find what you want:

  1. Swings
  2. Fidgets
  3. Tactile Input
  4. Energy Outlets
  5. Visual Fun
  6. Fine Motor
  7. Weighted Items
  8. Cheweys



Tactile Input

Energy Outlets

Visual Fun

Fine Motor

Author: Jennifer

Jennifer is a mom evolving as she navigates the waters of parenthood as well as having two children with sensory processing disorder and sharing her knowledge. She writes Mommy Evolution and The Sensory Spectrum.

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