The Sensory Spectrum

For SPD Kiddos and Their Parents

Understanding Myself

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Book: Understanding Myself: A Kid’s Guide to Intense Emotions and Strong Feelings

Amazon Description: Strong feelings and intense emotions are part of every pre-teens life. So why does something so common feel so overwhelming or embarrassing?

Understanding Myself is written especially for kids with intense emotions. Chock-full of current and relevant psychological research on emotions as well as real-life stories, useful quizzes and fun-fact boxes, Understanding Myself will encourage kids to notice just what their emotions are telling them about themselves, their friends, and their family. This informative and practical guide will help kids know what do when their emotions get to be too much!

For the book, click here.

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For more information about Sensory Processing Disorder, visit The Sensory Spectrum.

Author: Jennifer

Jennifer is a mom evolving as she navigates the waters of parenthood as well as having two children with sensory processing disorder and sharing her knowledge. She writes Mommy Evolution and The Sensory Spectrum.

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